Effective Dating

- An "Effective Date" or "as of date" is the date when something is considered to be effective. This may be different from the date upon which the event actually occurred or has been recorded.
- The "Current Date" refers to the employee's Paid up to Date. If today's date is 06/12/2016, and the employee's Paid up to Date is 30/11/2016, the current date then is 30/11/2016.
- The "Future Date" is any date after the Paid up to Date of the employee.
- "Past Date" is any date before the Paid up to Date of the employee. If today's date is 15/11/2015 and the employee's Paid up to Date is 30/11/2015, when inserting a record that is effective starting from 20/11/2015, this is considered a past effective dated record since the employee has been paid up to a further date than the record being inserted.
- A "Current Record" is any record that is effective at the moment of performing any action on the employee triggering a payment. If the employee is to be paid today, and a new effective dated record has been inserted starting from today's date before performing the payment, this is considered a current record. If the employee is to be paid today and no change has been performed in the employee's costing since Hire Date, then the current record will be the one that has been made effective since the employee hire.
- A "Future Record" is a record that has not yet been made effective as actions on the employee triggering payments have not been performed on the date record is to be made effective, or after this date and prior to the record To Date.
- A "Past Record" is a record that even if having a From date after today's date has been made effective prior to the current employee paid up to date. If today's date is 06/12/2015, the employee has been paid up to date to the 15/12/2015 and a record exists to be made effective starting from the 09/12/2015, that record is considered past effective dated record.

- When an employee is hired, an effective costing dated record is created with the From date = 'Hire Date', and To date = set as infinity '31/12/9999'.
- Where a record is mandatory in the system, such as on Costing screen, users cannot manually edit the 'To Date'. This is automatically updated by the insertion or updates of other records. There is always a continuity between records.
- Employee Start Date = 01/05/2014
Effective Date To Date Notes 01/05/2014 30/09/2014 - To Date is not editable, and is maintained by the system.
- To Date is the day prior to the next effective date record (From).
- Records are continuous. No gaps allowed.
- End Date of last record is always a system defined date in the future (31/12/9999).
01/10/2014 14/10/2014 15/10/2014 30/11/2014 01/12/2014 31/12/9999
- Transfer of employees can be completed using the Company Transfer Wizard.
- Cost Level 1 is no longer an editable field on the Costing screen.
- A confirmation is needed as a warning is displayed when performing a transfer on a date prior to the employee's Paid up to Date.
- If selected dates are valid, note that all existing future effective dated records will be discarded.
- In case the transfer date is further than employee Paid up to Date:
- The current version of the employee record is to be changed to have a status of 'A', and the To Date gets updated to have a value that is equal to the 'Paid up to Date'.
- The new version of the employee record is set with the From Date = 'Paid up to Date + 1' while End Date = '31/12/9999'. The status is set to 'A'.
- All future effective records are disregarded.
An employee has the following effective dated records as of the current date '03/12/2015'.
From To Company 01/07/2014 30/09/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/10/2014 14/10/2014 Extreme Electronics 15/10/2014 30/11/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/12/2014 31/12/2015 Extreme Electronics 01/01/2016 29/02/2016 Extreme Electronics 01/03/2016 31/12/9999 Extreme Electronics - The employee will be transferred to North Pole Enterprises TODAY.
- The employee's Paid up to Date is on '30/11/2015'.
- After completing the Transfer, the following employee records will exist:
Employee ID 000777: Version '0', Status 'R'
From To Company 01/07/2014 30/09/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/10/2014 14/10/2014 Extreme Electronics 15/10/2014 30/11/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/12/2014 31/12/2015 Extreme Electronics Employee ID 000777: Status 'A'
From To Company 01/12/2014 31/12/9999 North Pole Enterprises -
When an employee is transferred from one company to another and a Salary Package record exists with a Package Status Confirmed at the time of the transfer, it will be end dated using 'Transfer Date - 1 day'. The new version of the employee will have a copy of the end dated package assigned to the employee using From date = 'Transfer date' and To date = '31/12/9999', only if during the review process on the Company Transfers wizard's Review screen, the Packaged Employee check box has been left as ticked.
Whenever an employee is transferred from one Position to another and a Salary Package record exists with a Package Status Confirmed, this will be end dated using 'Position Transfer Date - 1 day'.
If the employee is currently assigned with a Confirmed Salary Package at the time the new Position record is to become effective, the new Position has Payroll defaults attached to it and are to be applied, and Create Salary Package flag value = 'Y', then:
- The employee's current package is end dated using new position From date - 1 day.
- As part of end dating the Salary Package, all A/D codes included in the package as components will also be end dated using new Position From date - 1 day.
- The Salary record effective as part of the Salary Package will be end dated using new Position From date - 1 day.
- A copy of the Salary Package record (including A/D codes and Salary) will be created using the From and To dates assigned to the new position.
- Any A/D codes included as part of the package that have also been defined as defaults will be left as defined in the package, and defaults values will be ignored.
- Any A/D codes on the employee that are not part of the Salary Package will be left as they are.
- Any A/D codes that are part of the defaults and are not currently part of the employee set will be assigned to the employee outside of the Salary Package, and processed using the dates.
- The value for the Pay frequency will be taken as used in the prior position. The default assigned to the new position for Pay Frequency will be ignored.
- The Pay Rates (Salary record) from the defaults will be ignored as the employee has a salary package assigned.
If the employee is assigned with a Salary Package, and the Create Salary Package flag is set to a value different from 'Y' ('N' or blank) then:
- The Salary Package is end dated (including Salary record and A/D codes) using new Position From date - 1 day.
- The Salary, Allow/Deduct, and other Payroll defaults are applied to the employee as if a Salary Package has never existed.
If the employee has not been assigned with a Salary Package and the Create Salary Package flag is set to 'Y', then the flag is ignored and the defaults are processed over the employee as if a package has never existed for the employee.
- The Termination of an employee needs to be reflected on the Costing screen.
- The current rule in Termination is to have the Paid up to Date = 'Termination Date - 1 day'.
- As part of the Termination process, the record that is effective at the moment of Termination will be set as To Date = Termination Date.
- Any existing future effective dated records will be disregarded.
Employee ID 000777 has the following effective dated record as of Today's date '03/12/2015'.
From To Company 01/07/2014 30/09/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/10/2014 14/10/2014 Extreme Electronics 15/10/2014 30/11/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/12/2014 29/02/2016 Extreme Electronics 01/03/2016 31/12/9999 Extreme Electronics The employee will be terminated on '31/12'2015'.
As part of the Termination process, the employee record will be updated as follows:
Employee ID: 000777; Status: T
From To Company 01/07/2014 30/09/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/10/2014 14/10/2014 Extreme Electronics 15/10/2014 30/11/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/12/2014 31/12/2015 Extreme Electronics
- When terminating an employee, all A/D Codes with effective records at the moment of termination will be updated to have To date = 'Termination Date'.
- If there is any record that is to be made effective in the future, such record will be disregarded after the employee is terminated.
Employee Termination Date = '31/12/2015'
The employee has the following effective dated records for Meal Allowance A/D Code:
From To 01/07/2014 15/09/2014 30/06/2015 23/09/2015 1/12/2015 03/03/2016 07/08/2016 31/12/2016 After completing the termination, the effective dated records for the employee with a Status of 'T' is:
From To 01/07/2014 15/09/2014 30/06/2015 23/09/2015 1/12/2015 31/12/2016
- If there is any record that is to be made effective in the future, such record will be disregarded after the employee is terminated.
- Termination Wizard: When terminating an employee via Termination Wizard, there are two specific instances where the employee status will be changed to 'T', depending on how the process is progressing.
- If all the employee's details are entered, and on the Release Other Payments, the status of the employee is set to 'R' (Release); Once all payments are processed through the Process All Payments screen, the employee record will be set with status 'T' and all effective records will be cleaned up. All effective records at the moment of termination will then be updated to have To date = Termination Date and any future effective dated records are to be deleted.
Using the same records of the example employee above in the Terminate Process section (Employee ID - 000777):
The employee will be terminated using the Termination Wizard with a Termination Date of '31/12/2015' (Paid up to Date = 30/12/2015). Once the Wizard is completed, the user performing the Termination will go to Release Other Payments, set the status to 'R', then go to Process All Payments.
As part of the Termination Process, the employee record will be updated to:
Employee ID: 000777; Status: T
This happens after the Process All Payments has been completed.
The current effective record will be updated to have To date = Termination Date.
From To Company 01/07/2014 30/09/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/10/2014 14/10/2014 Extreme Electronics 15/10/2014 30/11/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/12/2014 31/12/2015 Extreme Electronics - If the employee status is set to 'E' (Release and pass details to Time Card Entry), the employee status will continue to be 'A' until the Update Payrun process where the status will then be changed to 'T'. As part of the Payrun Close, all effective dated records will be cleaned up.
Using the same records of the example employee above in the Terminate Process section (Employee ID - 000777):
The employee will be terminated using the Termination Wizard with a Termination Date of '31/12/2015' (Paid up to Date = 30/12/2015). Once the Wizard is completed, the user performing the Termination will go to Release Other Payments, set the status to 'E', then go to Process All Payments.
At this stage, the employee is still Active. If required to be cancelled, the employee will already be available in the list of Termination Transactions allowed to be cancelled.
Once Payrun is processed as part of the Update Payrun step, the employee record status is changed to 'T'. If checking at the employee details on the Costing screen, the record will be:
Employee ID: 000777; Status: T (Effective Dated records have not been cleaned up.)
From To Company 01/07/2014 30/09/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/10/2014 14/10/2014 Extreme Electronics 15/10/2014 30/11/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/12/2014 29/02/2016 Extreme Electronics 01/03/2016 31/12/9999 Extreme Electronics As part of the Payrun Close, the effective dated records will be updated to:
Employee ID: 000777; Status: T (Effective Dated records have been cleaned up.)
From To Company 01/07/2014 30/09/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/10/2014 14/10/2014 Extreme Electronics 15/10/2014 30/11/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/12/2014 31/12/2015 Extreme Electronics
- If all the employee's details are entered, and on the Release Other Payments, the status of the employee is set to 'R' (Release); Once all payments are processed through the Process All Payments screen, the employee record will be set with status 'T' and all effective records will be cleaned up. All effective records at the moment of termination will then be updated to have To date = Termination Date and any future effective dated records are to be deleted.
- Cancellation of Terminations entered through Termination Wizard: Terminations will be available for cancellation if the Time Card Entry has not been run. Thus, if the user navigates to Cancel Termination, after the Termination has been processed through Process All Payments, all terminated employees with status 'E' and 'R' will be shown. On running the process to Cancel the Termination, a call will be made to the Reactivate process so that the employee status will be set back to 'A', and:
- If Termination Status is 'R', the current record of To date = Termination Date will be updated with To date = '31/12/9999'. Any deleted future effective dated record will NOT be recovered.
- If the Termination Status is 'E', as future effective dated records have not been deleted nor the To date of the current record set to the Termination Date, the termination will be removed from Preceda, and this will have no further effect on the employee record.
- Terminations using Express Pay Wizard: This way of terminating employees is expected to work almost in the similar way with the Termination Wizard. The difference is in the possible status the transaction may take once the Wizard has been completed. This status will also indicate what is expected to be done with the employee record.
In case the status is changed to 'R' or 'D', once the Release Express Payments process is run, the employee record will be set to have a status of 'T' and all effective dated records will be cleaned up. Thus, the current record will be updated with To date = Termination Date, and all future effective dated records will be deleted.
- Terminations entered through Payrun: The Overrides screen can be used to Terminate employees. If an employee termination details are entered through this screen or imported using the Mapper Definition 'M000455' (Payroll Overrides), the employee record will have its status changed to 'T' after Update Payrun step. The effective dated records will be cleaned up after Payrun Close.
If the Payrun is reset, the employee status will be set back to 'A', and all effective dated records will be restored.
- Restoring the Library and its effects on Payrun Terminated employees: For employees that have been terminated through (a) Termination Wizard - Payment release status 'E', (b) Overrides entered manually, or (c) Overrides pushed to Preceda via Mapper M00455:
- If a Restore Library Process occurs, including Reset Payrun, this means that the employee record will be back to its original status of 'A', and the End Date of the current effective record will be restored along with any future effective dated records.
- If the employee has been terminated using the Terminate process, the Termination Wizard with Payment Release Status of 'R' or Express Payment Wizard (as the termination itself was not part of the payrun processing); Then, to cancel a termination, the employee will have to be Reactivated if the termination occurred in error.
Default Start and End Dates for Effective Dated Employee Mappers: The handling of effective dating updates for Terminated employee (T) whose Effective Start or End Dates are not provided in the import file has been adjusted for all Effective Dated Employee Mappers. When an effective dated mapper is used without any effective dates, the logic is:
- Default Effective Start Date for a Terminated employee = earliest date of 'Paid Up To Date + 1' or Termination Date.
If the Paid Up To Date is invalid/ null, Effective Start Date = Hire Date/ Transfer Date.
- Default Effective End Date = Termination Date.
- Default Effective Start Date for a Terminated employee = earliest date of 'Paid Up To Date + 1' or Termination Date.
- If an employee gets terminated in error, a Reactivation is likely to take place in order to keep all the employee YTD Figures and record setup.
- The costing for the employee needs to be reactivated as well. This is done by changing the To date, from the record that has currently been assigned with the Termination Date, as infinity or '31/12/9999'.
- If the employee has been assigned with records to be made effective after the termination and those records have been disregarded as part of the termination, such records will NOT be recovered as part of the employee reactivation.
Having terminated the employee ID 000777, the Status is 'T' on '31/12/2015'.
From To Company 01/07/2014 30/09/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/10/2014 14/10/2014 Extreme Electronics 15/10/2014 30/11/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/12/2014 31/12/2015 Extreme Electronics After running the reactivation process, the Costing records are refreshed as follows:
Employee ID 000777: Status 'A'
From To Company 01/07/2014 30/09/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/10/2014 14/10/2014 Extreme Electronics 15/10/2014 30/11/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/12/2014 31/12/9999 Extreme Electronics - If required to perform the changes that had been put in place before a future date, the relevant costing future effective dated records will have to be inserted again as those are not covered as part of the employee Reactivation.
- If an employee has been terminated in error and is required to be Reactivated, and a Salary Package record with Package Status 'Confirmed' existed at the time of Termination, the record will to be reactivated by setting the To date of this record to '31/12/9999'. Component records and Salary will also be reactivated by setting their end date to '31/12/9999' as well if the case is that the End Date is equal to the Termination Date. If the End Date is prior to the Termination Date, no action will take place on those records.
If an employee is rehired, and Reinstate is used to keep the employee's original details, the following behavior is expected in Costing as part of the Reinstate:
- Employee record is to be set with the Status of 'R' and assigned version of '0'. If the Program Control TFR Position 14 has been set to 'Y', then the version is not assigned as a new ID will be assigned to the employee.
- A copy of the last costing values are to be taken and assigned to the employee record that is to be created. The employee will have a Status of 'A'.
- Effective dated record is created with From date = 'Employee Hire Date for the Active record' and To date = '31/12/9999'.
If the future effective dated records existed at the moment of the termination, those will NOT be recovered. Any future dated changes are to be added again.
Having terminated Employee ID 000777, the Status is now 'T' on 31/12/2015.
From To Company 01/07/2014 30/09/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/10/2014 14/10/2014 Extreme Electronics 15/10/2014 30/11/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/12/2014 31/12/2015 Extreme Electronics The effective date of Reinstate is on 01/02/2016.
After running the Reinstate Process, the employee is affected as follows:
Employee ID 000777: Version '0', Status 'R'
From To Company 01/07/2014 30/09/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/10/2014 14/10/2014 Extreme Electronics 15/10/2014 30/11/2014 Extreme Electronics 01/12/2014 31/12/2015 Extreme Electronics Employee ID 000777: Status 'A'
From To Company 01/12/2014 31/12/9999 Extreme Electronics

- The files that will be impacted by the Effective Dating process are: Hours Data (PAY46TC1) and A/D Date (PAY46TC2). The structure of these files will not change but the data in the files will change to reflect the fact that Costing Changes may occur mid period. It will now be possible for mid period changes to occur to Level 2 - 5 codes so these will need to be added to Extractor (fields are already in the files).
- There will be no additional records for Pay slip Gross Tax Net since the Costing Date will be at the Period Ending Date (from Effective Dated Costing records).
Effective Dated Toolbar
The existing Toolbar in Preceda has been extended to accommodate the Effective Dating capabilities.
- First Level Toolbar
Toolbar Option Action New This makes the fields editable within the form with no values.
This is available only for Non-Mandatory model screens.
Delete This enables you to delete an existing effective dated record upon confirmation.
Records that correspond to the first occurrence of a set of Mandatory records are not allowed to be deleted. In some scenarios where the employee has been paid against existing records, the records will not be allowed to be deleted either.
Change This makes the fields within the form editable with values currently being displayed on screen. Change caters for record edits in Non-Mandatory model screens and for record insertion or edits in Mandatory model screens. Cancel This cancels the changes being performed on an existing effective dated record or the new record you are intending to create. << This allows you to navigate to prior effective dated records. Effective Date This is a drop-down list that, by default, displays the record currently effective.
This provides you with a list of all the existing records with From and To dates in the format (dd/mm/yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy). Hovering over this option displays the From and To dates as well as the Change Reason within a Tool-tip.
>> This allows you to navigate to future effective dated records. - Second Level Toolbar
Editing or adding an effective dated record provides you with a second level Toolbar where the From date and a Change Reason can be defined. A To date field is also available, but its input capability is subject to the record model applicable to the screen you are on.
When you click Change, the screen moves to Edit-mode enabling you to enter and save your changes. When you click Save, the changes are saved based on the data entry.
Please note that the From and To Date Picker Calendar will also have the dates where a record is effective being underlined . Hovering over the underlined dates displays the corresponding From and To dates as well as the Change Reason. Vertical bards are also placed indicating the start and end of the effective dated record.
- First Level Toolbar
Effective Dating Models
- Mandatory Model
Effective dating in the mandatory record model means that there is the requirement to have at least one record throughout the employee life cycle (e.g. Costing records) and is enforced that whenever there is more than one effective dated records, there will be no gaps between them.
Terminating employee: If at the time of termination the employee record has no saved changes, then there will be only one record expected to have an Effective Date: Hire Date and Termination Date (which will become the To date).
For an Active employee: The To date where only a single record exists is set to infinity (31/12/9999). If there are several records through the employee life cycle, then the last record will always be defaulted to have To date = '31/12/9999'.
Reference Table screen: Similar rules apply to reference table screens that have been effective dated as mandatory records model. Given the fact that a reference table does not depend on a specific employee life cycle, the From and To dates of effective dated records in a reference table can be defined as desired as long as there are no gaps in between effective dated records.
Adding New Record: To add a new effective dated record, click Change as it will always attempt to insert a new record where the selected From date has not been assigned previously to another effective dated record of the set. Otherwise, it will warn you that there is already an effective dated record and you are expected to determine if the existing record will be overridden by the changes entered or not.
Under this model the To date is not allowed to be changed when creating or editing a record, and if there are no additional records after the one being inserted the, To date will always default to 'Next record From date - 1' or infinity '31/12/9999'.
- Non-mandatory Model
Effective dating with a non-mandatory record model means that there is no need to have a record since the employee Hire Date (e.g. Allowance codes, Salary Package). In this model, it is also possible define a To date for any effective dated record added.
Using New and Clone: The use of New and Clone is allowed when creating a new non-mandatory effective dated record, as the use of Change is restricted to cater for existing effective dated records editing.
Editing Existing Record: Editing an existing record is changing either the values in the form displayed on screen or the date ranges the record is to be effective on. Overlapping rules apply to Non-Mandatory records as the dates are never defaulted to fit the gaps existing in between records.
A non-mandatory effective dated record can exist from any point in time starting from or after the employee Hire date and until infinity (31/12/9999).
Termination/ Transfer: On Termination or Transfer, only the records that are effective beyond the termination date or until infinity will be modified to be end date with To date = Termination Date.
- Mandatory Model

The information on an employee screen (i.e. Costing screen) corresponds to the values entered as part of the employee Hire, and will be displayed as read-only. In case there is more than one existing effective dated record, the current effective record is displayed (Effective Dating).
To create a new record, click Change, and the second level Toolbar will be displayed with the From date field automatically populated with today's date and the To date field with '31/12/9999' displayed as read-only (Effective Dating 1).
You may create a new future effective record by modifying the date in the From date picker to a date in the future, and changing the information in the form (Effective Dating 2).
It is not possible to create a new effective dated record prior to the employee Hire Date.

It is possible to work on a current effective dated record when creating a new effective record.

- An employee has been hired on 01/07/2014 and belongs to the following costing levels:
Effective Date Company State Region Division Pay Point Department Account 01/07/2014 Extreme Electronics Victoria Chatswood Sales Software Business Development Business Development
- After 3 months, a vacancy for Pre-Sales Account needs to be covered.
- The employee, then, gets to do a secondment for this account with a 40-60 split while the hiring for open position is in process.
- In this scenario, the following split is required to be entered while the Costing at the upper section of the screen remains as is.
Effective Date % Department Account 01/10/2014 40 Business Development Business Development 01/10/2014 60 Business Development Pre-Sales - After 2 months, a new employee is hired so the first employee will be returning to his previous position. With this, the employee splits are reset on the Costing screen.
- On the screen's current record that has been made effective on 01/10/2014, the Change button is clicked, and a new effective dated record is created with today's date (i.e. 1/12/2014). Percentage values are now reset to '0'.
- On clicking Save, the new effective dated record gets created, and the splits are no longer listed.
Effective Date % Department Account 01/12/2014 0 Business Development Business Development 01/12/2014 0 Business Development Pre-Sales
- On the Effective Date field, there are now 3 effective dated records available.

To edit an effective dated record, such as on the Costing screen:
- Pick the date of the record you want to edit on the Effective Date field.
- Click the Change button.
- Perform your changes.

There is a need to change the State and Region from the record made effective on 01/10/2014.
- The Costing screen already contains the following effective records (table below where 01/10/2014 is on second row).
Effective Date | Company | State | Region | Division | Pay Point | Department | Account |
01/07/2014 | Extreme Electronics | Victoria | Chatswood | Sales | Software | Business Development | Business Development |
01/10/2014 | Extreme Electronics | Victoria | Chatswood | Sales | Software | Business Development |
BD - 40% Pre-Sales - 60% |
01/12/2014 | Extreme Electronics | Victoria | Chatswood | Sales | Software | Business Development | Business Development |
The record immediately displayed is the record with the current effective date which, on this example, is 01/12/2014.
- Click the Effective Date field, and on the list of dates, choose the record you want to edit (i.e. 01/10/2014).
- Upon selecting 01/10/2014, click Change.
- The second level Toolbar will continue to display 01/10/2014 in the From field. On the other hand, 30/11/2014 will be displayed in the To field (which is 1 day before the current date - 01/12/2014).
- Perform the changes on the desired fields (i.e. State and Region).
- Click Save.

The table below hold the current information for an employee.
Effective Date | Company | State | Region | Division | Pay Point | Department | Account |
01/07/2014 | Extreme Electronics | Victoria | Chatswood | Sales | Software | Business Development | Business Development |
01/10/2014 | Extreme Electronics | Victoria | Chatswood | Sales | Software | Business Development |
BD - 40% Pre-Sales - 60% |
01/12/2014 | Extreme Electronics | Victoria | Chatswood | Sales | Software | Business Development | Business Development |
The following changes need to apply to the table:
- A new record has to be created for a future date (01/01/2016) due to a company restructure that will remove Region for all employee in the State of 'Victoria' as the cost level will not be applicable to that state.
- The employee's change of position on 01/03/2016 requires a change to the Department and Account fields.
Records are to be created in the above-mentioned order.
- The first one will be created based on the current effective record (01/12/2014).
- On 01/12/2014, click Change.
- Perform the needed update which is to set Region to 'blank'.
- Select the date when this change is to be made effective - 01/01/2016.
- Click Save.
- The second one will be created based on the effective date 01/01/2016.
- On the new record for 01/01/2016, click Change.
- Perform the needed update which is to modify the values on the Department and Account fields to 'Administration' and 'Administration VIC', respectively.
- Select the date when this change is to be made effective by replacing today's date on the From field to 01/03/2016.
- Click Save.
Following the two changes, the below table is now the updated effective dated records.
Effective Date | Company | State | Region | Division | Pay Point | Department | Account |
01/07/2014 | Extreme Electronics | Victoria | Chatswood | Sales | Software | Business Development | Business Development |
01/10/2014 | Extreme Electronics | Victoria | Chatswood | Sales | Software | Business Development |
BD - 40% Pre-Sales - 60% |
01/12/2014 | Extreme Electronics | Victoria | Chatswood | Sales | Software | Business Development | Business Development |
01/01/206 | Extreme Electronics | Victoria | (Set to Blank) | Sales | Software | Business Development | Business Development |
01/03/2016 | Extreme Electronics | Victoria | Sales | Software | Administration | Administration VIC |
When inserting new records between existing future effective dated records, any updates on these records/ changes may affect other changes to be applied in future dates. As a warning, a confirmation message is presented upon Save.

Deleting effective dated records is possible, depending on whether having a record on the screen is mandatory or not. Every deletion of effective dated record requires a user confirmation upon clicking the Delete button.
- In a screen where a record is NOT mandatory, ALL records can be deleted.
- In a screen where a record is MANDATORY, all records EXCEPT the record effective at the New Hire Date may be deleted.
For previous versions of employee record:
- In cases where an employee record has a status of 'R', the existing effective dated record should NOT be deleted. Keeping such record is required and necessary for maintenance.
- When a transfer occurs, the Hire Date for the new employee ID or new version of their record will not change. However, the first existing effective date is to be set with 'From Date' = 'Transfer Date'. This first record cannot be deleted.